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They Served in 135th US Colored Infantry from Fayetteville and Cumberland County, NC on March 1865

I have not yet found any ancestors who I can say served in the Union Army during the Civil War, but I do not think it matters too much that I do not have any relations that I know of yet. I want to do something that will show them that I am eternally grateful for their sacrifice.

Because I live in Fayetteville, NC, I decided to publish the names of the 135th US Colored Infantry Company A-J, Company L-W who were born in Fayetteville and Cumberland County, NC, for starters. You have to understand something. One reason they are not talked about is because no one knows of them.

Unidentified young African American

soldier in Union uniform. United States,

None. [Between 1863 and 1865]


Maybe their descendants know of them and can come forward to tell their stories especially to Cheri Todd Molter who is collecting oral history for the North Carolina Civil War and Reconstruction Center.

We need to know who they are and what their lives were like and the service that they gave. Another reason why we might not know about them is because they had really rough times and people do not want to talk about it. Well guess what? We have some rough times today. One truth I know about family history is that the rough times long ago paved the way for the rough times we are having today, and we will pull through.

Here are the names of the 135th US Colored Infantry from Fayetteville or Cumberland County, NC. They enlisted in Goldsboro, NC on March 27, 1865, and mustered in March 28, 1865.

Soldiers from North Carolina in the 135th US COLORED INFANTRY: Alphabetical Roster Company A-J; Company L-W

In the next post, I will try to find these soldiers. Should any of you recognize any of their names, E-mail me:


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