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"I Would Watch Francis Frankie Hagan, My Grandma, in the Annie Malone May Day Parade," Tammy Howell

Francis Frankie Hagan

This is my maternal grandma, Francis Frankie Hagens. As sisters, we used to see grandmother as a member of the:

  • White Temple - #19 IBPOGW

  • White Temple Drill Team - #20

  • Grand Temple Avenue Tabernacle Seal of Love - #9

  • Star of East Royal House

I remember when I was small going to the Annie Malone May Day Parade here in St. Louis. I would see her on the drill team marching and doing their drills. WATCH LIVE: 2022 Annie Malone May Day Parade or watch below:

In 1910, the first of the Annie Malone May Day Parade was held as a mortgage burning party to celebrate the paying off the building. The parade for many years was held in north St. Louis, however, as the size of participants and spectators grew, it was moved to Downtown St. Louis. Today, the parade has grown to be the second largest African American parade in the country.

It is behind the annual Bud Billiken Parade in Chicago. A financial gift from black entrepreneur, Annie Malone. I even marched in the parade on my high school drill team from my freshman year until my senior year. The parade is still celebrated today.

Francis Frankie Hagan


I wish there were a way to find out more about the organizations she was in and their history.


I would do some newspaper research on the Annie Malone May Day Parade in St. Louis and the organizations that Mrs. Hagan was in. Also, I would contact the Annie Malone Multimedia Center because that is another avenue for you:

Thank you so much for bringing this out. My husband has history in the Bud Billiken Parade that needs to be brought out.


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