I Found Columbus and Coreene McClure's Marriage in Alabama County Marriages, 1809-1950
Alabama County Marriages, 1809-1950." Database with images. FamilySearch. https://FamilySearch.org : 15 July 2020. County Probate Courts, Alabama.
Coverage Tables
First of all, it is important to know if a collection you are going to search in has the years and covers the county you will be searching. Nothing is more disappointing than spending time time searching a collection only to find the record you want is not there. Check the coverage first. You will also want to be sure to check for the coverage of "colored" ancestors. See the Coverage for Alabama County marriages: Alabama County Marriage Coverage Table.
After making certain that there was a possibility that I could locate Ellis grandparent's marriage index and original image, I wanted to see what information a marriage just after 1900 could tell me:
Husband's name, age
Wife's name, age
City, county, state
Marriage License, marriage bond, marriage affidavit, consent to the marriage of a minor
I then went to look up the marriage of Columbus McClure and Coreene Jackson. Coreene's name is spelled various ways on documents throughout her life. I searched without putting her first name in Alabama County Marriages, 1809-1950.
Here is the index. Coreene's name is spelled Carenne:
Columbus McClure, Coreene Jackson, 15 August 1904, Index, Alabama County Marriages, 1809-1950." Database with images. FamilySearch. <https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6L97-49P?cc=1743384&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AQ2DQ-X83W> : 15 July 2020. County Probate Courts, Alabama.
Here is a copy of the original:
Columbus McClure, Coreene Jackson, 15 August 1904, Original, Alabama County Marriages, 1809-1950." Database with images. FamilySearch. <https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6L97-49P?cc=1743384&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AQ2DQ-X83W> : 15 July 2020. County Probate Courts, Alabama.
This was not the first time I saw this marriage. Ellis and I actually went to the Jefferson County, Alabama Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama. I know. Call me strange, but I love to know what each experience is like for the researcher. Being there that day in 2016, you just could not live without the experience.