The Enduring Pursuit of Teaching Genealogy with Passion, Perseverance, and Books
I am beyond words at the publishing of my new book, "My Best Genealogy Tips: Quick Keys to Research Ancestry, Book 2." It is actually the second book. This was not my first book. I did several hardcover books for my family back when we were raising Adrianne. Adrianne even did one, and she won an award for it. It was through Heritage Makers. We got to go to Salt Lake when she was in high school.
I remember when her book came in the mail to her. To see a teenager cry from pure joy is not something you see on a daily basis. Those books helped her to appreciate her family history.
Fast forward to 2021, I put together my first two books for the public. The first one was called "My Best Genealogy Tips: Quick Keys to Research Ancestry."

Someone whom I love very much, offered to publish it for me. I took the person up on the offer. I signed the contract feeling good about our arraignment. For two years, I went without a lot. I am telling you this because of Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ, I made it.
I have no hate in me. This day my thoughts turn to this person. I want to ask, "Will we once again laugh and talk to each other?" "Will we fix what exists between us and those we love?" Jesus came so that we could do that very thing. Through this trial, I discovered a greater endurance and perseverance for teaching genealogy. It was designed just for me.
In the meantime, I look forward to the public purchasing my second version, "My Best Genealogy Tips: Quick Keys to Research Ancestry, Book 2" published by Benjamin Book Publishing, LLC (Adrianne Benjamin):
This book has the following chapters:
Why Would You Want to Trace Family History?
Protocol When Asking Your Questions
Family Trees Are Not Historical Records.
Things Genealogy Beginners Forget
Recognizing and Overcoming Inconsistences in Genealogy Research
Why Should I Search for the Census Every Ten Year?
Why Should I Search for the Census Every Ten Years? Part 2
Getting Past the 1870 Census: An Example
How Do I Find My Ancestor’s Parent?
Extract and Confirm All the Information on a Death Certificates
Dealing with Details: Oral History Will Link Us
More Ways to Find Your Ancestor’s Parent
Verify with a Will
How Do I Research If All I Have is a Name?
Do Not Get Stumped with Genealogy Resources
Seven Long Shots to Find your Ancestor
Seven Reasons Why You are Not Finding Your Ancestor
Genealogy: What is the Big Rush?
Genealogy: More Reasons to Slow Down
Genealogy Presentation: Getting Out of a Research Rut
I’m Stuck! What Should I Do Next?
Nothing Wrong with Research Out on the Limb
How Can Local History Help Me with Genealogy
Hunting for Treasures at the Joliet Public Library in Joliet, Illinois
How Do I Find My Ancestor Cemetery?
Cemetery Books May Hold Clues to Your Genealogy
Four Ways to Enhance a Find A Grave Memorial
What Can You Discover at the Cemetery?
What You May Find in the Cemetery?
Researching an Ancestor Who Died an Unusual Death
Ten Things to from County Histories
Five Way to Overcome Your Genealogy Research Hurdle
Learning the Most from Historic Newspapers
Ten Tips for More Success with Newspaper Research
Has Your Paper Trail Run Out Online?
Six Clues Church Souvenir Booklets Give for Genealogy Research
Ways to Find Living Family
How to Find the Living
Guardianship Request Help to Identify Ancestor’s Real Father
Identify Record Types to Document Oral History
Top Questions Asked in Genealogy! Just Ask!
"My Best Genealogy Tips: Quick Keys to Research Ancestry, Book 2" is for sale on Amazon.