We Were Here: Enslaved in Cumberland County, North Carolina
I knew how to search the newspaper. I used Newspaper Titles · DigitalNC. I looked up: Negro, Negroes, Fayetteville in Cumberland County.
Extract and Confirm All the Information on a Death Certificate, Part 2
It is special when you have photo of your ancestor on a death certificate but to have the photo of the spouse as well is just over the top!
Extract and Confirm All the Information on a Death Certificate
This is illustrated in several numbered extractions taken from the death certificate mentioned above along with the questions or conclusions
What are the Pitfalls with Relying on Family Trees without Sources?
In the first chapter of my book, "My Best Genealogy Tips: Quick Keys to Research Ancestry, Book 2" I spent the time helping my reader ...
The Enduring Pursuit of Teaching Genealogy with Passion, Perseverance, and Books
I am beyond words at the publishing of my new book, "My Best Genealogy Tips: Quick Keys to Research Ancestry, Book 2."
Enslavement in California: A Hidden History
I will share some of the resources that I have found useful in my quest to uncover the hidden history of black enslavement.
Bob Sorrentino of Italian Roots and Genealogy Talks with Robin R. Foster
Above you will find Bob Sorrentino of Italian Roots and Genealogy and I having an enjoyable conversation about beginning your research.
Reflections on "My Best Genealogy Tips: It's Time to Start!"
"My Best Genealogy Tips: It's Time to Start!" was first introduced when it came out at Benjamin Book Publishing, LLC.
How I Use FamilySearch.org to Search Ancestry.com
I'm going to share with you how I use FamilySearch.org to search Ancestry.com. You might be wondering why I would do that, since both websit
Saving Sources from Ancestry.com on FamilySearch.org Can Be Beneficial
I found this at Ancestry.com while using the feature at FamilySearch.org. This is George Epps Tucker's (1859-1927) will in Richland...