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When I Interviewed My Uncle Buddy (Robert Foster 1919-1990)

The gentleman standing in the photo is my Uncle Buddy. He was Robert Foster (1919-1990). I interviewed him in the late '80's.

He told me some key details about Ora's family. Ora was his mother. I remembered her visiting us when we lived in Detroit, Michigan and in Joliet, Illinois. I was no more than five years old when she passed away.

Here are the details that I received from Uncle Buddy's interview:

-Ora came from Desoto County, Mississippi

-Her parents had been enslaved.

-They came from North Carolina with enslavers during enslavement.

-The enslaved died in the US Civil War.


-The enslaver's brother took possession of Lucy.

-This brother already owned Hence.

-Hence and Lucy were married, and they both were Nelms.

Listen to my podcast as I explain where all these details led.

These occurrences are common with me. If you want to know more about them, then read about how I found the formerly enslaved: My Best Genealogy Tips: Finding Formerly Enslaved Ancestors.


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