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US Civil War Pension Payment Card for Berry Leech, 135th Colored Infantry

Now that Sharon Pittman Egelhofer has found us and will represent the family of Berry Leech, we will give her the last record we have found below, and leave her with two great places she can research more historical records to document Berry and his family. First, we know Berry was born in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina so Cumberland County, North Carolina Genealogy should be one resources for her.

Next, we know he dies in Robeson County, North Carolina so she should look there to find out more about him and his family: Robeson County, North Carolina Genealogy. We will be happy to locate any other place he lived for her. We will love to see where this journey takes her.

US Civil War Pension Payment Card for Berry Leech:

Fold3, US Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards (/title/964/us-veterans-administration-pension-payment-cards :accessed August 21, 2020), database and images,

"These payment cards document pension payments made to disabled veterans of the regular U.S. Army or Navy or their widows between 1907 and 1933. Prior to 1907, pension payments were recorded in pension agency payment books, but in 1907, the pension bureau switched to a card system and transferred all active pensioners to this new system. The system changed again in 1923, when they switched from quarterly to monthly payments. Pension payments made under this new system were recorded on a new card.

There are four classes of cards: those for Army invalids, Army widows, Navy invalids, and Navy widows. The four types of card are very similar. Although the information actually recorded on each card varies, the cards contain the following fields:"

  • name of veteran

  • certificate number

  • unit or arm of service

  • disability for which pensioned

  • law or laws under which pensioned

  • class of pension or certificate

  • rate of pension

  • effective date of pension

  • date of the certificate

  • any fees paid

  • name of the pension agency or group transferred from (if applicable)

  • date of death

  • date the Bureau was notified

  • former roll number

  • home


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