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Remembering the Day of Dedication: The Good Samaritan-Waverly Hospital (1952-1973)

Allen University is continuously researching individuals affiliated with the Good Samaritan-Waverly Hospital. If you have any information on these individuals to contribute, please submit the additional information for the blog to Robin Foster, historian and genealogist, at

Allen University is in the process of preparing for preserving the history and legacy of Good Samaritan-Waverly Hospital which was dedicated in 1952 on the 2200 block of Hampton Street in Columbia, South Carolina.

It was "the first state-of the-art medical facility to serve Columbia's African American community from 1952-1973." Allen University is campaigning for the Waverly Wall Museum. The following photo appeared in The State paper on the day after the dedication.

We know that former employees and patients hold a special place in their heart for this great place. If you know someone who worked there or was a patient or who was born there we need to have their contact information. We would like to have copies of photos, news articles, and your stories to make this a real success!

Below is another photo that was in The State paper. It shows some of the dignitaries there at the dedication:

- Rev. M. E. Cox, of Ladson Presbyterian Church

- Winfred Mundle, local manager of North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company

- Bishop Frank Madison Reid, SC diocese of AME Church

- C. A. Johnson, superintendent of hospital and retired educator

- Dr. T. Carl McFall, president of Palmetto Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical Association and member of hospital planning board of the State Board of Health

- Rev. J. P. Reeder, pastor of Zion Baptist Church

- Dr. H. D. Monteith, Columbia physician

- Max Citron, chairman of the hospital board of trustees

The dedicatory address was delivered by Bishop Reid. The topic that he chose was "Bridges That Live." He said that "In dedicating this hospital we must view the achievement from a broader horizon than just a materially beautiful structure. We must catch a glimpse of the spiritual bridges of human relationship, inter-racial good will and highways of human welfare that are built by the citizens of Columbia--which made

Columbia not only a leader in these highways in the state of South Carolina but in the entire South-land."

Below is the article that was included the photos:

We will look back weekly on Good Samaritan-Waverly Hospital, and we can include your memories. Just E-mail me:

2200 Hampton Street, Columbia, South Carolina - Google Maps


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