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Meet up with twin, @LCAfricana, at #NGS2011

I often think about the many great friends I would not know if I were not on Twitter.  I follow and have learned from the best of the best.  It has been such a great experience finding so many people who share the same interests in genealogy as I do.

Left: @LCAfricana (Toni Carrier), photo by Mr. @SavingStories

Once again I had the opportunity to meet up with @LCAfricana (Toni Carrier) who introduces me as her twin.  When we first met in person last year, we found ourselves finishing each other’s sentences and being totally rabid about genealogy. Many times I am up until 2 am and all of a sudden, she will tweet me as if she knew I was out there.

I had the wonderful opportunity on this trip of watching Toni work her extreme magic uncovering an unbelievable number of resources to document the slave ancestry of a person she was helping.  I have used (SC, FL, GA resources) for years, and am glad to know the brains behind the source.

We are twins for many reasons.  She has the same incredible dedication to providing resources to help others and works tirelessly around the clock.  Toni is also always surrounded by people who are also hard working and truly dedicated. Mr @SavingStories, and I had a wonderful experience set up by my twin at Magnolia Plantation this week where D. J Tucker gave the most correct and inspirational African American interpretation at the slave dwellings on the site.  After the presentation, D J kept making a move to go for the day, but hesitated until he had shown us each of the cabins and had given the history behind who had stayed in them.

It was great to hear the response of the class after Toni’s presentation at NGS yesterday.  They were in total awe.  I heard someone comment, “I was looking for help, and I found Toni.  Now she’s all I need.”   Toni patiently answered questions and conversed with each of them who approached her afterwards.  She is a true treasure to know.  Everyone needs a twin!

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