I Believe Our Ancestors Direct Us Along a Specific Course

These are my great grandparents, George Anderson Tucker (1882-1932) and Daisy B. Chick Tucker (1883-1941). They are from Buffalo, Union County, South Carolina. I never knew them, but my grandma would tell me whatever I wanted to know.
They had twelve children. All would work on their farm. Daisy would take eggs to sell at the store. I know George liked to hunt. He owned a car. People say that he was Caucasian. His father was Great Great Grandfather George Epps Tucker (1859-1927), and his mother was Great Great Grandmother Martha Sims Talley (D. 1936) an African American.
I got to know them through their children. They had the highest respect for their parents. Let me tell you about a vision I had when we were moving to Hopkins, South Carolina. It was at night while we were driving on the road. I was in the passenger seat. The moon was bright. All of a sudden, I saw my Great Grandfather George right next to me outside the car window. He was on a horse, and they were galloping fast.
He was there in full color. I did not say anything, but I knew I was going to the right place. I look back on that now. He was excited! Our ancestors direct us along a specific course.
These occurrences are common with me. If you want to know more about them, then read about how I found the formerly enslaved: My Best Genealogy Tips: Finding Formerly Enslaved Ancestors.