Come to Our Next Event: "Father Unknown"

Filmmaker, David Quint and his dad, Urban Quint, are inviting you to join us to watch with us "Father Unknown," and we will discuss the film. We will be coming together to watch the film and discuss their journey and you are invited to join our event Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 8:00 pm. EST. See the event here.
You will not have to rent or buy the film. Be sure to bring that popcorn and soda! We are giving you a chance to be with our group and discuss the miraculous chain of events that happened when the Quint's did their search. "Father Unknown" is a great film for those who are researching family members.
If you have seen "Father Unknown" we would love to have you join us again, and we would like to encourage you to give a review.

"In watching David's and his father's story, I felt as though I had a front-row seat into their lives, and experienced both their heartaches and their heart joys! I greatly appreciate their allowing us, likely total strangers, into their very private moments. I’m not sure I could have done the same! It was also great seeing and “feeling” the instant connection that newly-acquainted family members had with each other. I have recently experienced firsthand, that same type of instant connection, so their story was especially meaningful to me!" --- Debi Page Michael, Member of Genealogy! Just Ask!
Thank you, Debi!
We all are on different paths in our research, but a lot of what we are going through is similar. When it comes to the plight of the ancestor who did not discuss things that happened to him with his descendants, we know that oh to well. What we do about it for the next generation is what we have to deal with. Will we put it to rest, or will they pick it up and find closure?
That all can be brought out for us in watching this film!