About 1968, I Remember How My Grandmother Taught Me the Importance of Prayer
My mom, Uncle Ted, Grandma Ora, my sister, and I were traveling to California. We were going through the desert in Texas just before Albuquerque, New Mexico our next stop. Uncle Ted was driving safely. My sister started to scream, "Wawee, Wawee!" I knew that meant she had to have been thirsty. She wanted water.
For some reason they had to stop the car. It was hot. You could see nothing but tumbleweeds and a few tepees in the distance. The car sunk down into the sand off the road. We had gotten out of the car and found shelter near a rock under a tree.
I could tell by the tension people were worried. My eyes were fastened on my Grandma Ora, my dad's mother. She bowed her head in prayer. I do not remember the words of the prayer, but as a result a man appeared.
He was dressed in all black. The only other color came from the white we wore as a part of his collar under his chin. He was carrying a large chain in both hands. I remember my grandma responded as if he had come in result of her prayer. He appeared to assist us back onto the road with the chain.
I had forgotten all about this incident. Over fifty years later, I have remembered it. I had to call my mother and have her rehearse it to me so I could make sure it happened. I knew of the importance of prayer from this experience. I can remember it just like it happened yesterday.
I have never once been uncomfortable to pray to my Heavenly Father to express gratitude or ask for something I needed. He has always been with me.
Something that I never got to do I will do now. Grandma, I thank you for giving me this example of prayer. I am thankful that you lived your life in such a way that when you prayed an answer would come. You prayed with faith in Father in heaven and in the Savior, Jesus Christ.
I am grateful that after all these years, I still recognize it.
These occurrences are common with me. If you want to know more about them, then read about how I found the formerly enslaved: My Best Genealogy Tips: Finding Formerly Enslaved Ancestors.