North Carolina, Center for Health Statistics, Vital Records Unit, County Birth Records, 1913-1922

Search birth and delayed birth certificates and records for all counties in North Carolina for the years 1913-1922 for your ancestor since this record was made available on March 2, 2020. Delayed birth records are listed at the beginning of each new month. The following information may be found on each record:
Birth date and place - This maybe different than where the person is living at other times. You can search these other locations for possible records.
Number in family - This gives you an idea how many other people did exist.
Parents names, address, age, birth place, occupation - If you want to trace the parents, the age, names, and birth place makes finding them possible.
Number of children born to mother - Sometimes the number of children you find is less than the number of children the mother birthed.
Number of children now living - Knowing the number of children living and the number of children born to the mother can tell you how many children she lost.
Name of physician
Time of birth
To search this record it is helpful to know the name of the person and the date of the event. Let's look up James Willard Johnson born about 1916:

James Willard Johnson, North Carolina birth certificates, Item 3, Birth certificates Oct. 1916 v. 430 no. 1-500 Hertford County - Martin County,, <>
Some other records that could also be searched for:
US Census Records
Let's look another person: George Johnson Jr. born in 1917.

George Johnson Jr, North Carolina birth certificates, Item 5, Birth certificates Sep. 1917 v. 572 no. 1-501 Alamance County - Burke County,, <>
These parents' were born in Columbia, SC. The mother had the maiden name Prior. George Jr. was born in Asheville, NC so his parents migrated. He was the second child born to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. The first place that I might try to find the parents is by doing a 1910 US Census search for Silvia Prior in Richland County, SC.